Group Tutoring
Illuminate Group Tutoring for 8-10, 1 Month 2-Pay
One month of weekly 1-hr physics tutoring sessions for a group of 8-10 students, paid every two weeks for two payments total. Price per person.
Illuminate Group Tutoring for 8-10, 1 Month Full Pay
One month of weekly 1-hr physics tutoring sessions for a group of 8-10 students, paid in full. Price per person.
Illuminate Group Tutoring for 8-10, 2 Months 2-Pay
Two months of weekly 1-hr physics tutoring sessions for a group of 8-10 students, paid every month for two payments total. Price per person.
Illuminate Group Tutoring for 8-10, 2 Months 4-Pay
Two months of weekly 1-hr physics tutoring sessions for a group of 8-10 students, paid every other week for four payments total. Price per person.
Illuminate Group Tutoring for 8-10, 2 Months Full Pay
Two months of weekly 1-hr physics tutoring sessions for a group of 8-10 students, paid in full. Price per person.
Illuminate Group Tutoring for 8-10, Single Session
A single 1-hr session of physics tutoring for a group of 8-10 students. Price per person.